Paper I
Full Marks: 100
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Figures in the bracket indicate full marks of the questions.
Attempt any 5 (five) questions taking not more than 3
questions from each Section.
(Physical Geography)
- What is meant by weathering of rocks? Describe the processes of rock weathering and also highlight the significances of the weathering types to understand the physiographic characteristics of any region of the earth. (6+4+10 = 20)
- Discuss in details the climatic classification of the world as was suggested by Koeppen or Thornthwhite. Elaborate the basis of their classification. Highlight the major drawbacks of the classification. (10+6+4 = 20)
- Classify soil into major sub-types and highlights its global distributional pattern. What are the causes of soil degradation? Give an account of this problem with special reference to NE India. (3+9+8 = 20)
- Give an account of the biotic, mineral and energy resources of the oceans of the world. How are these resources being utilized? Does the configuration of the oceans affect the deposition of these resources? (12+4+3=20)
- What do you understand by biotic resources? Give an account of the biotic resources of the world and indicate the need for their conservation particularly in the 21st Century. (4+10+6=20)
(Human and Economic
- Give an account of the contribution of the Arab Geographers to the development of the subject. How did the Arab scholars develop the branch of mathematical geography? (10+10=20)
- Give an account of the factors influencing the growth of world population. Demarcate on a world map the population density regions of the world. Explain how the growth of population and density of population is related. (10+4+6=20)
- Distinguish between ‘urban growth’ and urbanisation’. Discuss the trend of urbanization in the world during the 20th Century. Critically evaluate why many third world countries have experienced urban growth without urbanization. (4+10+6=20)
- Discuss in details the concept of ‘Heartland Theory’ of Mackinder and explain how Spykman opposed the concept and developed his theory of ‘Rimland” in the geo-political study of the past hundred years. (12+8=20)
- What do you understand by ‘energy resources’ and ‘energy crisis’? Give an account of the distribution of any one of them. Do you think that the world is passing through a major energy crisis? Elaborate. (4+9+7=20)
(Geography of India)
Time Allowed:3 Hours Full Marks: 100
Figures in the margin
indicate full marks for the questions. Attempt any 5 (five) questions.
- Name the physiographic regions of India and discuss in details any one region, highlighting its geological and topographical features. Examine the natural vegetation variation of the region. (2+14+4=20)
- Give an account of the drought prone areas of India and examine the factors leading to drought in these areas. Discuss the Drought Prone Areas Programme (DPAP) of Indian Government and how effective are these programmes? (4+8+8=20)
- Discuss the trend of Growth of Indian population since 1951 onwards. What are the factors responsible for such growth pattern? Give an account of the population policies of India for controlling the growth rate. (6+6+8=20)
- Examining the characteristics of Green Revolution, explain had helped in the development of Indian agriculture. What are the socio-ecological implications of Green Revolution in India? (8+6+6=20)
- What are the important agro-based industries of India? Give an account of the factors of location and distribution of cotton textile industry in the country. What are the recent trends of the Industry? (4+12+4=20)
- Give an account of the network of roadways of India. Examine the role of physical and economic factors on the development of roadways in the country. (8+12=20)
- Define an urban settlement as per the Indian census. In the light of the definition, classify Indian towns and cities (as per 2001 census). What type of towns have emerged in your state and give reasons for the growth of such type of towns. (5+9+6=20)
- Give an account of the planning regions of India with special references to the tribal and hill areas development planning. (6+14=20)
- Examine the role of Indian union as a major geo-political power in South and South East Asia. Do you think that aggressive regional consciousness has resulted in weakening national integration? Discuss. (12+8=20)
- What are the geopolitical issues associated with the international boundary of India? How do you assess India’s position in the geopolitics of Indian Ocean? (10+10=20)