Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mizoram Civil Service, 2011 - Sociology Question

Paper I                                                                                                                 Full Marks: 100
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Figures in the bracket indicate full marks for the questions. Attempt any 5 (five) questions.

  1. What are the techniques of data collection in sociological research? (20)
  2. According to Emile Durkheim, ‘social facts’ can be studied with the help of scientific method. Explain and elaborate. (20)
  3. What are the different types of authority as put forward by Max Weber? Explain with examples. (20)
  4.  Explain one theory of social stratification. (20)
  5. Give a definition of family and its functions. (20)
  6. Write an essay on the social aspects of pre-industrial economic systems. (20)
  7. Explain how industrialization brings about changes in the political, economic, educational, and religious spheres. (20)
  8. Explain the nature and characteristics of community power structure. (20)
  9. What is the significance of religion in social life? Briefly discuss Malinowski’s study of religion. (20) 
  10. Discuss the various theories of social change. Elaborate one of them. (20)


Time Allowed: 3 Hours                                                                                Full Marks: 100
Figures in the bracket indicate full marks for the questions. Attempt any 5 (five) questions.

  1. What are the bases of traditional Hindu social organization? Also, discuss the factors of change in Indian society. (20)
  2. Write an essay on the cultural and structural perspectives on the caste system. (20)
  3. Discuss the regional variations in the kinship system in India with examples. (20)
  4. Describe the Indian market economy and discuss its social consequences. (20)
  5. Explain the decentralization of power mentioning the importance of political participation. (20)
  6. Discuss the major problems of women’s education in India. (20)
  7. Critically examine the problems of conversion in the context of secularism as a national policy.  (20)
  8. “Tribal societies are in the process of acculturation and integration.” Discuss the factors responsible for this change. (20)
  9. What is Community Development Programme? Discuss the new strategies of rural development. (20)
  10. What are the features of urban social organization? Differentiate urban social organization from rural social organization. (20)
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Anonymous said...

Post tha tak leh tangkai tak a ni e. Pub.Adm lam te hi post theih chuan a va'n tih zia dawn ve.


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