Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Fangfar Puk (Cave) is located in the northeastern tip of Mizoram. Fangfar can be conveniently translated as Soapstone.

The Puk is 238.10 Foot long, having a Breath of 34 Foot at its widest area. At its highest point, it is 8.2 Foot high. The place has linkages with several myths and folktales.

In 1922, Sailova - brother of Lalhmeta was unfortunately drowned in the nearby Tuivai River. The search team of three hundred men decided to spend the nights in the cave. Temenga F/O Upa Tlangthangkima feels uneasy because he was afraid that the roof-rock might fall. This, he assumed because of the vastness of the cave. They could sleep peacefully only after clumping Bamboo (Rua) to withstand the roof.

The Indian Army is always suspicious of the Fangfar region during the days of the Mizo rebellion. It has to be recalled that the Mizo National Front (MNF) led a massive movement for a sovereign state from 1966 to 1986. This suspicion is attested when I visited the region. The rugged terrain is a conveniently suitable for guerilla training and hideout. One strange thing is that the Wireless Telegraphy System of the Indian Army failed to work in the region.

It is said that the stream that flow out of the Fangfar rock have medicinal content. Many visited the Puk to collect the soothing clear water.

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Anonymous said...

its very interesting description

Ma-i Mizo on Thursday, November 29, 2012 at 10:48:00 PM GMT+5:30 said...

A ngaihnawm, thlalak a hmuhnawm bawk.. Thank you much for sharing.


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